Sunday, November 16, 2008

Wine Dilution Details

The following wine website has a handy calculator for adjusting the brix of the must. Both adding sugar to increase the brix and adding water to dilute the brix.
If we targeted a brix of 27.5 (alcohol level of 15.6--within the 16% limit of pastur red  and RC112), here is the amount of water we would have to add.
256G total must volume
29 initial brix
27.5 target brix
15.72G of water needed to reduce brix to target level (5G needed if the target brix is 28.5% or 16.3% alcohol)
114G total must volume
30.5 initial brix
28.5 target brix
14G of water needed to reduce brix to target level (9G needed if the target brix is 28.5 or 16.3% alcohol)

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