Bob, Troy and Lee checked the fermentation status. The merlot continues to make good progress and has a solid cap. Merlot flavor and color is very good. The two smaller bins of cab continue to be slow with temps dropping a degree.
We discussed options and the unavoidable fact is that the yeast is unable to continue to ferment because the alcohol levels are reaching the 16% toxicity range for the Pastur Red yeast. The dropping must temps are of concern because we cannot easily get the temps back up after they drop below the min level of 64 degrees.
Since the brix adjustment with water is working well on the merlot we decided to do it on the cabernet. Not much water is needed and the benefits are much higher than the risk of a little dilution.
We added approx 1.3G of 105 degree water to each small bin and 2.6G of 105 degree water to the large bin. We hydrated and added 3 paks of Pastur Red yeast to each small bin and 5 paks to the large bin. Each has been stirred well and put to bed.
Cab Bin A: 64 degrees, 2.75 brix. Dropped to 2.5 brix after water added.
Cab Bin B: 65 degrees, 3+ brix. Dropped to 3 brix after water added.
Cab Bin C: 65 degrees, 4 brix. Dropped to 3+ brix after water added.
Merlot 68 degrees, 3 brix.
Bob and/or Lee will punch down once during the day on Wed. Bob and/or Troy will take brix and temp readings, either mid-day or in the evening. Watch for the daily report.
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