Saturday, November 15, 2008

Prepared For Pressing

Fermentation is still steady on both the Merlot and Cabernet, but has slowed down to 1/2 brix a day the last few days.  Both are nearing alcohol toxicity for the Pastur Red yeast. Additional EC 1118 yeast has been added, which has an alcohol tolerance of 18%.   We will have to monitor both very closely for a stuck fermentation.
The merlot started at 30.5 brix and has been on the skins 22 days and is around 5.5 brix. The final alcohol level is estimated at 17.5% and the current alcohol is around 15%. 
The cabernet started at 29 brix has been on the skins 16 days and is around 5 brix. The final alcohol level is estimated at 16.75% and the current alcohol is around 14%.
We have 114G of Merlot must. Assuming 63%-65% yield with a moderate pressing we will get 70-75G. That will fill both of Mike's 2 30G hungarian barrels plus 10-15G carboys.
We have 246G of Cabernet must. Assuming a 60-63% yeild with very light pressing we will get 147G-155G (130G barrels and 15-25G carboys). Note: We are pressing lightly because the harder you press the higher the PH, and we want to keep the PH down as much as possible.
Bin B & C of the cabernet have had acid adjustment to reduce the PH. Bin A has had no adjustment and we plan to mix it into the Sangio--once we're confident the H2SO problem is solved.  We should mark the barresl that get the cab pressed from Bin A so we can keep track of it.  There will be approximatly 42G, which would fill Bob's 20G french and Ray's 22G french.
The following barrels are clean and ready for the Merlot and Cabernet.
- Mike's 30G hungarian #1 (Merlot)
- Mike's 30G hungarian #2 (Merlot)
- Ray's new 30G French (Cab)
- Bob's 20G French (Cab Bin A)
- Ray's 22G French (Cab Bin A)
- Bob's 15G American (Cab)
- Michele's 13G French  (Cab)
- Troy's 15G hungarian (Cab)
- Michele's 15G hungarian (Cab)
The group is undecided about when to press.  We are discussing the pros and cons of pressing before the wines are "dry".   The grapes have been on the skins long enough to get color and flavor extraction (22 days for the merlot and 16 days for the cab). Usually we would let them stay until the cap is ready to fall. However, there is some concern that the high alcohol levels will extract harsh/bitter tannins from the seeds if allowed to have contact for very long, especially on the Cabernet because more seeds got exposed during crush than normal.  Pressing is currently scheduled for Sunday at 1:30pm. We may press nothing, everything, or part of the cab and leave some of the cab for another week.

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