Monday, November 17, 2008

Sangio Much Improved

We racked the Sangio over copper again on Sunday. It smelled much much better. :)  We are optimistic that it has turned the corner!
We added 20ppm of meta before racking. Racked over copper 1 way, and then back into the SS kegs, breaking 1 down into carboys and a platypus since we were out of Sangio for topping.  We discarded the bottom of the keg if it contained any sediment.
We will let it sit for a few more days and check it again. Once we are free of the rotten egg smell we will filter it to remove any elemental sulfur and yeast cells that may cause it to come back.
 We were initially going to add some cabernet right away (once it was pressed), but we will want to give the sangio a month or so to make sure the problem is solved before doing any blending.

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