Monday, November 17, 2008

Merlot Fermentation Imroved!

Troy, Bob and Lee checked progress tonight and the merlot is doing very well. Fermentation has definitely increased with bix dropping more than in the last week!  The temp has also come up from 68 to 69 degrees and the cap was very solid.  Taste is less sweet with very good flavors. :-D  We were all very happy with the results.  We hydrated and added 5 paks of RC212 yeast to the Meta to help ensure good yeast to finish fermentation.
Cabs continue fermenting with the big bin having the densest cap and the smaller bins having a softer cap.  Temps in the smaller bins dropped a little from 65-66 degrees to just under 65 degrees. Bin A has made no progress in Brix. Between the softer cap, lower temps and no change in brix on Cab Bin A the smaller bins of Cabernet appear to be slowing down fermentation. A reading of 2.75-3 Brix would have the Cab around the 16% alcohol--the toxic level for the yeast, which Bin A and B are nearing.
Merlot 66-99 degrees. 3.5 Brix -- DOWN FROM 4.75 BRIX
Cab Bin A 65- degrees. 3 Brix  -- NO PROGRESS
Cab Bin B 65- degrees. 3.75- Brix  -- DOWN FROM 5 BRIX
Cab Bin C 65+ degrees. 4.75 Brix -- DOWN FROM 5 BRIX
We will take another reading on Tuesday. If the Cab in Bin A hasn't made progress, then we will have to take steps to keep the fermentation from becoming stuck. Since the water addition worked well for the Merlot, we may try it with the Cabernet. The amount of water needed is pretty small: 2.8G for the big bin and 1.4G for each of the small bins.

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