Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Cab and Merlot are Pressed!

We pressed out the Wood River Merlot and the Williamson Cabernet today in about 4.5 hours. 1,000lbs of Merlot and 2,000lbs of Cab.  Wow, that's a lot of grapes!! It's great to finally have all of them pressed out. With the high alcohol levels it was a real struggle getting through fermentation this year.  The merlot and cabernet are around .998 brix and still showing signs of fermenting a bit.  We'd like to see them drop to .995 or .990 over the next week.  We'll measure brix again when we rack them in a week or two.
The merlot was very tasty.  Big flavors and color from a full MONTH on the skins. Still lots of fruit--or maybe a little sweetness. It's hard to say.  The Cabernet was on the skins for about 3 weeks and was a bit harsh/bitter and alcoholic--maybe from the extra exposure to seeds from the way the grapes got crushed.  We pressed the cabernet pretty lightly, trying to avoid a rise in PH and to minimize the hard tannins.  We pressed the Merlot a little harder.  We got 88G of Merlot out of 114G of must. More than we expected. A 77% yield.  Maybe we had more merlot than we thought?  We got 84G of Cabernet out of 246G of must--34% yield.  Much less than we expected, although it was pressed very lightly.  Maybe we had less Cabernet than we thought?
We racked the Clone-6 cab off it's gross lees and it tastes very good. We racked about 1/2 the Sangio over copper.  The Sangio is smelling better, and is tasting better too. Still a little ways to go before we can filter it and call it "good".
Photos are uploaded to the group's 2008 online photo album.

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