Tuesday, September 11, 2007

2006 Winery Activities

2006 Winery Log
Pressed Wood River Chard
Used Mike's 30G new Hungarian, Bob's new 15G American
Innoculated Chard. 3pgs of Lalvin D47 in 4-5C heated liquid + 1 tsp nutrient
Fermentation was quick but non-vigorous. Completed around 9/26 (1 week).
Transferred into Hungarian barrel plus 1 5G carboy for a couple of weeks.
Microbin of Wood River Merlot. Est 500-550lbs About 35G of must est.
Used 4tsps of meta on the must
26 brix. PH 3.2
We picked 600lbs of Viognier at Williamsons. ($240)
Saved about 25lbs for Syrah co-fermentation.
Innoculated Viognier with 3 packages of D47 yeast in 2 barrels.
Took of slowly. Required another package of yeast and some nutrient to get going.
Innoculated Merlot with 3 pkgs of Pastur Red.
Fermenting well next day.
Larger microbin of Syrah. Est 700-800lbs.
Syrah souced through Dennis. (Thanks, Dennis)
PH 3.67
26.5 Brix
Stirred in 2TBSP meta in 4oz water.
Merlot brix measured same day. Down to 6.5. SG 1023/1024
Viognier brix down to 1.25. SG 1002/1004
Took some of the syrah juice off after a day maceration for Rose. Very dark already.
Viognier fermentation complete (5 days).
Held in barrels, plus some glass for a couple of weeks.
Transfered chard to Carboys.
Merlot at .992 and getting soupy--still some bubbles.
Syrah less dense head. Still fermenting well. Showing .996
Red grapes from Wood River Vineyards ($700)
500lbs Malbec, 26 brix, 3.32 ph. (used 2.75tsp meta)
500lb Clone-6, 26+ brix, 3.21 ph
300lb Tempranillo, 26.5 brix, ?ph, (used 3.125tsp meta)
150lb Petite Verdot, 26.5-27 brix,3.3 ph
Held off some of the Malbec free run to ferment as a rose.
600lbs Williamson Clone-2 Cabernet, Brix 28.5, ph 3.53. ($333.85)
265lbs RiverRock Clone-8 cab, brix 25, ph?
SG on Malbec 998
SG Tempranillo 995
SG Cab-6 995
PVerdot still fermenting some
Williamson cab fermenting strong.
Williamson cab at .996. Pressed into Troy's American 30G barrel.
Bad rotten egg smell in the Tempranillo. Both barrel and carboys. Phew!
WW Cab soggy ready to press.
Racked Tempranillo over copper with airation three times.
Racked Rose Malbec to SS kornilius kegs, blended in some malbec (too much), covered with CO2.
Racked Merlot, Malbec, Petit Verdot.
Racked Williamson cab.
Racked clone-6 over copper as it had a slight rotten egg HSO2 smell. Added some meta. (4tsp?)
Added meta to Tempranillo (4tsp?). Smelling a little better.
Racked Tempranillo over copper again.
Racked Clone-6 over copper again.
Racked Syrah carboys.
Checked SO2 levels on Viognier and Chard. and racked them.
Viognier was 36ppm. Chard was 30ppm. Left them alone.
(Maybe we should have raised them to 50ppm )
Found 1 Syrah Rose 1G carboy that had gone bad. Lid had popped. :(
A few signs of MLF starting.
Added ML cultures to new barrels and red carboys.
(Assume we put bubblers onto carboys?)
Whites showing some MLF
Racked Clone 6?
Added 15ppm SO2 to 05 Williamson cab (starting to show oxidation color)
Carboys showing bubbles for MLF
Bottled Williamson Cabernet
MLF over. Exchanged bubblers for solid tops. Found several had dried out and wine spoiled in carboy. :(
Added 15ppm SO2 to all reds in barrels.
Bottled Chard and Malbec Rose. Used 2 bottlers at the same time. Worked very well.
Added oak chips to carboys of SRose, Syrah, Cab (which cabs?)
Moved Petit Verdot to carboys (not enough to top anymore).
Everything is inside the cooler now.
Ran out of WW topping wine. Starting to use Clone 6
Noticed a slight leak on the top of Troy's American 30G barrel.
Racked reds. Syrah, Clone-6 over copper.
Racked Malbec into smaller barrel (22G french to 15G French), out of malbec topping.
Started topping Syrah with Syrah Rose.
22G barrel smelled off. Strong aceitic nose. Filled with water and 7tbsp oxyfresh.
Rinsed w/ meta+citric.
Racked Williamson cabernet out of Troy's American Oak barrel into Carboys
so we can send barrel off for repair.(added 1/4tsp meta before racking).
Cleaned barrel with 8tbsp oxyfresk. Then meta overnight. Dried, and light sulfered 3 days later.
Also cleaned Ray's 22G barrel again. Off smell.
While topping we found that some of the topping wine had gone bad in the Platypus. (petit verdot and syrah rose)
Need to clean out Platypus better w/ strong meta soln. Plus increase SO2 in wine in Platypus.

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