Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Trial Blending #2 on Thursday

Trial blending for our Bordeaux Blend is Thursday. We're planning on starting at 5:30pm and having some snackies while we taste and then bottling after we decide on the blend.    Bring something to share...see you there!
Here are some thoughts on the Mangafique blend this year.  We're trying a Cabernet "Left Bank" style Bordeaux blend.  They are cab & cab-franc heavy with smaller amounts of merlot and malbec.
We want about a 10oz sample (300 ml).  Here are the starting blends and volumes. The syringes will make it much faster to do the blending this year.
Blend #1 (pre-blending favorite)
70% Cabernet    210ml
20% Cab Franc    60ml
10% Merlot          30ml
0% Malbec
We'll compare that blend to 2 others and see which we like, and then refine.
Blend #2 (add Malbec back in)
70% Cabernet     210ml
15% CFranc         45ml
10% Merlot           30ml
5% Malbec           15ml
Blend #3 (Amp up the Merlot)
70% Cabernet      210ml
15% CFranc          45ml
15% Merlot            45ml

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