Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Bottled Cab SO2 Levels

I took a bottle of the 08 Idaho Cabernet that we just bottled to check sulfites and they were 2ppm. So we've achieved about the minimum levels of SO2 possible while still having some protection for the wine.
The last lab report for that wine was 1ppm in March and we added 30ppm. We generally expect about 60% increase in Free SO2  for a result of around 20 ppm.   Since then the wine has been in a barrel for 2 months and I would guess our bottling process is about the same as an airitive racking.  Estimating 3ppm loss per month in the barrel (6ppm total) and 12ppm for an bottling means that we burned 18ppm in the last 2 months.  That's pretty much in line with the numbers that were reported.

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