Tuesday, November 9, 2010

ID Cab Inoculated

We inoculated the ID Cab with Pasteur Red yeast after a 5 day cold soak.  We're doing more cold soaking this year and liking the color/flavors we're getting. Our first good cold soak was last year with the Petite Sirah Port, which we cold soaked to extract color/flavor early because knew we would have to stop fermentation early.
Because the Brix on the ID Cab were high (29.1) we needed to bring them down. The pH was 3.73, so we used the minimum water to avoid raising the pH too much. Pasteur Red will ferment up to 16% alcohol, so we needed to bring it down from 29.1 to around 27.5.  We add about 1.7G of water total to 25-26G must (from 285# of grapes).
The ID Syrah is still fermenting well, but is slowing down.
We will get grapes from Larry this week (tempranillo, merlot, malbec). He is going to crush for us (THANKS, LARRY!)

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